Keith Hylton on Ticketmaster & Taylor Swift

Keith Hylton on Ticketmaster & Taylor Swift

ICLE Academic Affiliate Keith Hylton appeared in a spot on CBS News Boston to discuss the Senate Judiciary Committee’s investigation of Ticketmaster in the wake . . .

Presentations & Interviews

Gus Hurwitz on Noncompetes and the FAA’s System Outage

ICLE Director of Law & Economics Programs Gus Hurwitz joined Steptoe & Johnson LLP’s The Cyberlaw Podcast, offering two explanations for the Federal Aviation Administration recent . . .

Presentations & Interviews

R.J. Lehmann on the Problem with Gun-Insurance Mandates

ICLE Editor-in-Chief R.J. Lehmann joined The Reload podcast to discuss New Jersey’s new gun-carry insurance mandate and San Jose, California’s gun ownership insurance requirement. He . . .

Presentations & Interviews

Brian Albrecht on the 2022 Economics Nobel

ICLE Chief Economist Brian Albrecht gave a presentation to the Arkansas Center for Research in Economics discussing the 2022 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, . . .

Presentations & Interviews