Motion to FTC from L&E Scholars for Leave to File Amicus in GRAIL-Illumina Adjudication

ICLE Brief for 9th Circuit in Epic Games v Apple

In this brief for the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, ICLE and 26 distinguished scholars of law & economics argue that the district court in a suit brought by Epic Games rightly found that Apple’s procompetitive justifications outweigh any purported anticompetitive effects in the market for mobile-gaming transactions.

Amicus Brief

ICLE Amicus Brief in ACA Connects et al v Beccera

ICLE supports the appeal filed by ACA Connects et al. seeking review of the district court’s denial of a preliminary injunction. As detailed herein, the district court failed to consider economic and empirical realities that militate in favor of finding irreparable harm to the Appellants’ members. Moreover, the same economic and empirical realities tip the balance of equities in favor of the Appellants, and establish that the public interest is in granting a preliminary injunction against enforcement of the California Internet Consumer Protection and Net Neutrality Act of 2018.

Amicus Brief

Brief of Amici Curiae Scholars of Economics and Antitrust in Support of Petitioners in COMCAST CORPORATION, ET AL. v. VIAMEDIA, INC.

ICLE President Geoffrey A. Manne and amici, scholars of economics and antitrust, submitted this brief to address the broad consensus in the academic literature disfavoring the theory underlying plaintiff’s case—so-called “unilateral refusal to deal” doctrine.

Amicus Brief

ICLE Amicus Brief in NAB v. Prometheus

ICLE supports the petition for certiorari filed by the National Association of Broadcasters (“NAB”), et al. seeking this Court’s review of the order issued by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in Prometheus Radio Project v. FCC.

Amicus Brief