John Lopatka on Epic v Google

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John Lopatka on Epic v Google

Mail & Guardian – ICLE Academic Affiliate John Lopatka was quoted by the Mail & Guardian in a story about Epic’s win in its antitrust case . . .

Brian Albrecht on Epic v Google

Slate – ICLE Chief Economist Brian Albrecht was quoted by Slate in a story about Epic’s win in its antitrust case against Google. You can read . . .

ICLE on Retail Divestitures

Winsight Grocery Business – An ICLE white paper about the proposed merger of Kroger and Albertsons was mentioned in a story from Winsight Grocery Business. You . . .

Keith Hylton on Starbucks Boycotts

Boston Globe – ICLE Academic Affiliate Keith Hylton was quoted by the Boston Globe in a story about the impact of consumer boycotts on Starbucks’ stock . . .

Kristian Stout on Spectrum Reauthorization

Communications Daily – ICLE Director of Innovation Policy Kristian Stout was quoted by Communications Daily in a story about efforts to move spectrum reauthorization legislation through . . .