Kristian Stout on Spectrum Reauthorization

Communications Daily – ICLE Director of Innovation Policy Kristian Stout was quoted by Communications Daily in a story about efforts to move spectrum reauthorization legislation through Congress. You can read full piece here.

Cruz’s draft bill fills a gap but may face “an uphill battle” because it doesn’t delineate use of auction proceeds, Kane said. Kristian Stout, International Center for Law & Economics director-innovation policy predicted congressional politics might not work in favor of the Cruz bill, but the measure could gain traction “if it aligns with broader national security and technological competitiveness goals.”

A “clean” FCC authority reauthorization may become “more likely as a compromise solution given the variety of contentious issues surrounding the whole process,” Stout added. Recon Analytics’ Roger Entner believes there’s momentum for HR-5677/S-2787, but a clean reauthorization is unlikely because the “whole purpose of” setting a time limit on the mandate “is to enshrine a spectrum pipeline.”