More Thoughts on Whole Foods/Wild Oats

FTC Rethinks Bad Pun?

Geoff’s post last week on the FTC’s move to block the Whole Foods/Wild Oats merger poked fun at a stupid pun appearing in the agency’s . . .


Media Consolidation and Antitrust

One of the more interesting parts of Senator Herbert Kohl’s recent Antitrust interview, in which he also discussed airline mergers, concerned antitrust’s treatment of media . . .


More Kookiness in Chicago

I’ve previously tiraded about paternalism in my beloved Chicago. I won’t beat that dead horse, but I just can’t ignore the latest liberty restriction imposed . . .


Twombly: Good, Bad, or Who Cares?

My apologies for the blogging hiatus. I’ve spent the last ten days grading, traveling, grading, being sick, and hanging out with family in sunny San . . .