Liya Palagashvili on California’s War on Independent Contractors

Brian Albrecht on Antitrust and Big Sandwich

ICLE Chief Economist Brian Albrecht joined the HubWonk podcast to address concerns and separate fact from fiction surrounding alleged anti-consumer practices of big business and . . .

Presentations & Interviews

Scott Kieff on Maintaining U.S. Tech Leadership

ICLE Academic Affiliate F. Scott Kieff joined the Understanding IP Matters podcast to discuss the challenges faced by U.S. inventors who rely on the legal . . .

Presentations & Interviews

Dirk Auer on Digital Competition in the EU

ICLE Director of Competition Policy Dirk Auer joined as a panelist in a webinar organized by ECIPE on platform regulation and merger policy in the . . .

Presentations & Interviews

Eric Fruits on the Kroger-Albertsons Merger

ICLE Senior Scholar Eric Fruits joined Supermarket News‘ SN Off the Shelf podcast to discuss the proposed merger of Kroger and Albertsons and the likelihood that . . .

Presentations & Interviews