Todd Zywicki on ESG Requirements

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Todd Zywicki on ESG Requirements

Law & Liberty – ICLE Academic Affiliate Todd Zywicki was quoted by Law & Liberty in a story about businesses’ environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. . . .

Brian Albrecht on Armen Alchian

Bloomberg – A tweet by ICLE Chief Economist Brian Albrecht was cited by Bloomberg in an item about #EconTwitter in the news service’s New Economy Daily . . .

Adam Mossoff on SEPs

IPWatchdog – ICLE Academic Affiliate Adam Mossoff was quoted by IPWatchdog in a story about standard-essential patents. You can read full piece here. But attendees and . . .

Kristian Stout on Privacy Legislation

Communications Daily – ICLE Director of Innovation Policy Kristian Stout was quoted by Communications Daily in a story about the prospects for privacy legislation in the . . .