Maybe We’ll Get Us a Calorie Czar!

Maybe We’ll Get Us a Calorie Czar!

Yesterday, Todd predicted that Obamacare will result in greater government involvement in heretofore private decisions that impact health. Since the government is now going to . . .


The dark side of altruism

Have you ever been tempted to buy a beggar a cup of coffee or a sandwich instead of giving money? If so, you have, like . . .


Politically Mandated Credit Card Interchange Fees Won’t Create Jobs (But They Will Hurt Consumers and the Economy)

In a recent commentary at, former Clinton administration economist Robert Shapiro argues that some 250,000 jobs would be created, and consumers would save $27 billion annually, by reducing the interchange fee charged to merchants for transactions made by consumers using credit and debit cards.


Leegin Legislation Update

A Senate panel approved the Leegin Bill on a voice vote (HT: Main Justice).  The story behind the link suggests that there is some Republican . . .


Should schools teach Hayek?

The Texas Board of Education recently decided to add F.A. Hayek to the high school economics curriculum. The New York Times reports… Read the full . . .