Barriers to Entry

Barriers to Entry

I have had occasion to think about the relationship between property rights and barriers to entry lately, and was reminded of the following line which . . .


Rizzo and Whitman on Paternalist Slopes

Libertarian paternalism, behavioral law and economics, and “soft” paternalism are topics of discussion here on TOTM from time to time (see, e.g. here, here, and . . .


AMC Releases Tentative Recommendations

The tentative recommendations of the Antitrust Modernization Committee are out, and include Commissioner vote counts for various propositions. The recommendations largely take the form of . . .


“Loyal” Directors in Delaware

In November of 2006, the Delaware Supreme Court issued an opinion in Stone v. Ritter dealing with a director’s fiduciary duties in cases where the . . .


Antitrust Superprecedent

Shubha Ghosh, of the Antitrust & Competition Policy Blog, is predicting that the Supreme Court will not overrule the 1911 Dr. Miles decision, which holds . . .