The Guidelines Should Be Revised to Reject the PNB Structural Presumption

Welcome From the Agencies

I think this symposium is a terrific idea and thank Josh Wright for organizing it.  As Chairman Leibowitz and AAG Varney said, we want to . . .


Merger Enforcement Without Market Definition?

The Horizontal Merger Guidelines have brought discipline to the unruly world of merger analysis; but have also accommodated advances in our understanding of the myriad . . .


Robert Gertner on Revising the Guidelines

The stated purpose of the DOJ/FTC Horizontal Merger Guidelines is to “reduce the uncertainty associated with enforcement of the antitrust laws.”  The Guidelines have had . . .


Comments on Updating the Merger Guidelines

Of course, the Merger Guidelines need to be updated.  Except for efficiencies, they haven’t been updated in 17 years.   Lawyers and economists with a regular . . .


Dynamic Competition in Antitrust Law

The Horizontal Merger Guidelines are the intellectual cornerstone of modern antitrust law, yet they contain little discussion of innovation or dynamic competition. Although the Merger . . .


Do the Merger Guidelines Need Revision?

The merger guidelines should be revised, not only to provide clearer guidance, but because the current version makes it harder for the agencies to win . . .


Andrew Gavil on Revising the Merger Guidelines

1.  Do the Merger Guidelines Need Revision? Yes.  Conceptually, the current Guidelines incorporate multiple strands of intellectual and legal history with respect to merger analysis . . .