The War Against Affordable Books

The War Against Affordable Books

Last week Josh discussed the American Booksellers’ Association’s effort to get the Justice Department to pursue antitrust charges against Walmart, Target, and Amazon for engaging . . .


Is Apple Dumb?

The Economist seems to think so, relying on evidence from this new paper by Joel Waldfogel and Ben Shiller.  Waldfogel and Shiller find that, relative . . .


Fix the Supply Side

Do the Merger Guidelines need revision? No.  Thanks for having me. OK. Yes–and market definition/market shares, and in particular the effective incorporation of supply-side effects, . . .


Let Sleeping Dogs…

I feel no great urgency to revise the Guidelines.  True enough, they’re more of an analytical thought experiment than an accurate description of how merger review . . .


Small Changes

Chairman Leibowitz in his Fordham speech last month stated “From my perspective, the current Guidelines do not explain clearly enough to businesses how the agencies . . .