Popular Media

The Legality of the FTC’s Noncompete Ban Is Less Certain Than Masur and Posner Suggest

In a recent article for ProMarket, Jonathan Masur and Eric Posner defend the legality of the Federal Trade Commission’s rule banning noncompetes. However, little of their argument addresses the widespread contrary arguments against the ban.

On the Yale Journal of Regulation Notice and Comment Blog, Dan Crane recently shared the results of an informal survey of antitrust and administrative law professors. Of his 17 respondents, “Only one person predicted that the rule will be upheld.” Both the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post editorial boards have argued that the FTC lacks congressional authority to issue the rule. While it is risky to draw inference from silence, it seems notable that the New York Times editorial board, a long-time advocate for FTC Chair Lina Khan and early supporter of the noncompete rule, has not opined. A recent Congressional Research Service report characterizes the FTC’s legal authority to issue such rules as “unsettled.”

Read the full piece here.