No Kids Allowed: KOSA/COPPA 2.0 Will Encourage the Exclusion of Minors Online

An important lesson of economics is that policies intended to help a targeted group of people often end up harming them in unintended ways. For instance, economists have long argued that policies like rent control and minimum-wage laws actually tend to lead to shortages in housing and jobs, respectively.

Similarly, despite having the stated intention of helping parents to protect their children online, the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) and the Children and Teen’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA 2.0)—passed today by the U.S. Senate in a 91-3 vote as amendments to S. 2073—will likely lead online platforms to invest more in excluding minors than in creating safe and vibrant spaces for them to enjoy. The measure now moves to the U.S. House, where it is expected to face more significant political headwinds.

Read the full piece here.