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Antitrust at the Agencies Roundup: Pruning the Data Tree Edition

TOTM In my last roundup, I puzzled over the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) suit to block Amgen’s acquisition of Horizon Therapeutics. The deal involved no product overlaps . . .

In my last roundup, I puzzled over the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) suit to block Amgen’s acquisition of Horizon Therapeutics. The deal involved no product overlaps whatsoever (i.e., no horizontal competition), a target firm acknowledged to have no competitors for the orphan drugs at issue, and nobody poised to enter into competition either.

I won’t recapitulate the details of my confusion here, but I will point to a new piece by Bill MacLeod (a past chair of the American Bar Association’s Antitrust Section and a former FTC bureau director) and David Evans, in which they raise an issue I didn’t cover: “The Federal Trade Commission may have filed the first merger complaint in a generation that could be dismissed for failure to state a claim.” Which would not look good.

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

To Infinity and Beyond: The New Broadband Map Has Landed!

TOTM Announced with the sort of breathless press release one might expect for the launch of a new product like Waystar Royco’s Living+, the Federal Communications Commission . . .

Announced with the sort of breathless press release one might expect for the launch of a new product like Waystar Royco’s Living+, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has gone into full-blown spin mode over its latest broadband map.

This is, to be clear, the map that the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will use to allocate $42.5 billion to states from NTIA’s Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program. Specific allocations are expected to be announced by June 30.

Read the full piece here.

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Telecommunications & Regulated Utilities

Ireland’s Massive Fine Against Meta Could Erode Trust In EU Law

Popular Media The €1.2 billion fine that the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) against Meta marks a new record for violation of the EU’s General Data Protection . . .

The €1.2 billion fine that the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) against Meta marks a new record for violation of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but it is the DPC’s order that the company to shut off its transatlantic flow of user data that will have the most far-reaching consequences for international trade, privacy policy, and the rule of law.

Read the full piece here.

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Data Security & Privacy

Restoring the Rule of Law in Finance

Scholarship The unraveling of the rule of law in finance is inherent in the system’s discretionary process of regulation. Each financial crisis begets new regulations and . . .

The unraveling of the rule of law in finance is inherent in the system’s discretionary process of regulation. Each financial crisis begets new regulations and new regulatory agencies with more expansive and discretionary powers. The general entanglement of finance, leftist interest groups, and the federal regulatory apparatus has created a threat to freedom that is almost unique in history. Leftist activists, “woke” corporations, and regulators and politicians have recognized and acted on the opportunity to use the financial regulatory system both to enact preferred policies through anti-democratic means and to silence their ideological opponents. As governmental power grows, the threat of its misuse grows concomitantly.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

Prop 103’s Author Isn’t the Final Word on What Prop 103 Says

Popular Media It’s been 35 years since Californians voted by a narrow majority to pass Proposition 103, completely overhauling how the nation’s largest state regulates the business of . . .

It’s been 35 years since Californians voted by a narrow majority to pass Proposition 103, completely overhauling how the nation’s largest state regulates the business of insurance.

That’s an awfully long time. So long, it seems, that even the man who wrote Prop 103 appears to have forgotten what it actually says.

Read the full piece here.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

No More Kings? Due Process and Regulation Without Representation Under the UK Competition Bill

TOTM What should a competition law for 21st century look like? This point is debated across many jurisdictions. The Digital Markets, Competition, and Consumers Bill (DMCC) would change . . .

What should a competition law for 21st century look like? This point is debated across many jurisdictions. The Digital Markets, Competition, and Consumers Bill (DMCC) would change UK competition law’s approach to large platforms. The bill’s core point is to place the UK Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) Digital Markets Unit (DMU) on a statutory footing with relaxed evidentiary standards to regulate so-called “Big Tech” firms more easily. This piece considers some areas to watch as debate regarding the bill unfold.

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

A Transactions Cost Analysis of the Welfare and Output Effects of Rebates and Non-Linear Pricing

Scholarship Abstract Ronald Coase famously exposed the limitations of economic analyses that rely upon assumptions of frictionless markets. He highlighted the importance of including transaction costs . . .


Ronald Coase famously exposed the limitations of economic analyses that rely upon assumptions of frictionless markets. He highlighted the importance of including transaction costs in economic analyses and issued a challenge to economists to think seriously about how transaction costs impact economic systems. Harold Demsetz, extended Coase’s analysis to show how these costs alter the way firms price and market their products. Demsetz’ analysis underscored that the costs of providing a market sometimes exceed the benefits of creating one in the first place and examined conditions where transaction costs imply that zero amounts of explicit market pricing will be efficient.

This article focuses upon extending Demsetz’s insights concerning non-linear pricing contracts that seem not to “price” key side effects of the economic exchange. In particular, we analyze the welfare and output effects of two examples of such contracts commonly used by firms that are frequently subject to antitrust scrutiny: metered pricing and loyalty discounts. The analysis demonstrates how a firm’s choice to set prices for its products are influenced by transaction and information costs and examines whether changes in output caused by the use of these non-linear pricing schemes are positively correlated with changes in total and consumer welfare. The article then discusses conditions under which measuring output effects can reliably differentiate between welfare-increasing and welfare-reducing uses of non-linear pricing.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Dirk Auer Before the UK House of Lords on the UK’s Digital Markets Bill

Presentations & Interviews ICLE Director of Competition Policy Dirk Auer testified before the UK House of Lords’ Communications and Digital Committee in a May 23, 2023 hearing reviewing . . .

ICLE Director of Competition Policy Dirk Auer testified before the UK House of Lords’ Communications and Digital Committee in a May 23, 2023 hearing reviewing the Digital Markets, Consumer and Competition Bill. Videos of his answers to the Lords’ questions are embedded below.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Todd Zywicki on Rate Caps

Presentations & Interviews ICLE Academic Affiliate Todd Zywicki joined Southwest Public Policy Institute President Patrick M. Brenner on SPPI’s SPPI-TV podcast to discuss interest rate caps and the role . . .

ICLE Academic Affiliate Todd Zywicki joined Southwest Public Policy Institute President Patrick M. Brenner on SPPI’s SPPI-TV podcast to discuss interest rate caps and the role of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Video of the full episode is embedded below.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance