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Was Einstein an idiot?

TOTM Well, obviously, not, of course, but he sure sounds like a thoughtless hack once in a while. In a cafeteria near my office on the . . .

Well, obviously, not, of course, but he sure sounds like a thoughtless hack once in a while.

In a cafeteria near my office on the Microsoft campus, there is a sign near the door.  It’s a testament to something or other that I have no recollection at all what the sign is actually about.  But it shows a sepia-tone picture of a bridge being built from both sides of some body of water.  The traverse is almost complete, except that the the two sides don’t quite line up. Oops. In big letters above the picture is a quote from Einstein.  It says, “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” I’ve never read a word of Deepak Chopra, but this is about what I imagine he or others like him would sound like.  Trite. Persuasive to the relatively thoughtless.  And, well, idiotic.

Read the full piece here.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

Cleaning up after Pasquale’s hit job

TOTM Recently, Frank Pasquale at Concurring Opinions wrote a blog post did a drive-by hit on FTC Chairman Majoras supporting her recusal from considering the Google/DoubleClick . . .

Recently, Frank Pasquale at Concurring Opinions wrote a blog post did a drive-by hit on FTC Chairman Majoras supporting her recusal from considering the Google/DoubleClick merger now pending before the FTC. You really have to read the post to get the full effect of the innuendo and intimation–it’s masterfully subtle. At the time I commented on his blog…

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Radiohead results

TOTM The results are in: Radiohead did . . . ok.  Before I share the specifics, let me remind you of what one seemingly prescient prognosticator . . .

The results are in: Radiohead did . . . ok.  Before I share the specifics, let me remind you of what one seemingly prescient prognosticator said a few weeks ago:

My prediction: They will receive an average price of $2 and a median price of $0. 

So what happened?

Read the full piece here.

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Intellectual Property & Licensing

Obviousness conference

TOTM Along with my Lewis & Clark colleague, Joe Miller, I have organized a conference on the patent law doctrine of obviousness following the Supreme Court’s . . .

Along with my Lewis & Clark colleague, Joe Miller, I have organized a conference on the patent law doctrine of obviousness following the Supreme Court’s KSR case last term.  It’s a great line-up of participants, and should be an excellent conference.

Read the full piece here.

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Intellectual Property & Licensing

Radiohead revisited

TOTM I started writing this as a comment to Josh’s last post, but it got so long I figured I’d make a post out of it.  . . .

I started writing this as a comment to Josh’s last post, but it got so long I figured I’d make a post out of it.  Thanks for the inspiration, Josh.

I really hope Radiohead releases the data on its little experiment!  My prediction: They will receive an average price of $2 and a median price of $0.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

The most embarrassing thing Joe Stiglitz ever wrote?

TOTM In case you haven’t already, I recommend taking a gander at today’s New York Time Book Review.  In it, there is a review of Naomi . . .

In case you haven’t already, I recommend taking a gander at today’s New York Time Book Review.  In it, there is a review of Naomi Klein’s new book, The Shock Doctrine, by Nobel-winning economist, Joe Stiglitz.  It’s an abomination (I’m sure the book is an abomination, too, but I’m referring to the book review).

Read the full piece here

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I am so smart, s-m-r-t. . . I mean, s-m-a-r-t.

TOTM I’m not one to gloat. Ok, yes i am.  As Thom indicated, the court reached what I believe is the right result in the Whole . . .

I’m not one to gloat. Ok, yes i am.  As Thom indicated, the court reached what I believe is the right result in the Whole Foods case yesterday. I’ve been beating this drum since the merger challenge was announced (I won’t bother linking, yet again, to the series of posts.  Search for “Whole Foods” up there in the top left corner, if you’re interested).  The court’s order indicates that we can expect a redacted (93 page) decision sometime soon. I very much look forward to it.

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

The EC versus Intel: The SO is issued

TOTM To no one’s great surprise (other than that it took so long), the European Commission issued a Statement of Objections against Intel today.  More information . . .

To no one’s great surprise (other than that it took so long), the European Commission issued a Statement of Objections against Intel today.  More information as it becomes available.

For those looking for a little insight into the case, you might be interested in The FTC’s 1998 Complaint against Intel and the resulting Consent Decree (the entire case file is here).

Read the full piece here.  

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Newsflash! AAI supports merger review!

TOTM In shocking news, the American Antitrust Institute has come out with a white paper suggesting that the FTC’s challenge of the Whole Foods/Wild Oats merger . . .

In shocking news, the American Antitrust Institute has come out with a white paper suggesting that the FTC’s challenge of the Whole Foods/Wild Oats merger is warranted…

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection