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Delaware’s Future

TOTM I share Prof. Ribstein’s concerns about the federalization of corporate governance contained in the Dodd bill.  Though Senator Carper wasn’t able, in the end, to . . .

I share Prof. Ribstein’s concerns about the federalization of corporate governance contained in the Dodd bill.  Though Senator Carper wasn’t able, in the end, to get the proxy access provisions out of the Dodd Bill, which I think were the most troubling, we did eliminate another of Senator Schumer’s ideas. (The corporate governance provisions of the Dodd bill were taken from Sen. Schumer’s “Shareholder Bill of Rights.”)  The initial draft of the Dodd Bill included a restriction prohibiting any publicly traded company from having a staggered board.  I suspect we have the good work of Senator Carper and Congressman Castle’s offices to thank for their continued work against that provision.  The option to have a staggered board is part of the Delaware brand’s advantage.  Nearly 80% of Boards and their shareholders used to embrace the staggered election approach, since then some (but not most) companies’ shareholders have pushed, and been successful, in changing to annual elections under existing rules, a development which Delaware’s freedom-of-contract philosophy embraces.  Now roughly 50% of publicly traded firms have staggered boards.  I should add…this, like most corporate governance changes, is not exclusively a Delaware issue…as Delaware is home to only 50% of publicly traded companies and 60% of the Fortune 500.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

The Capitalist & The Entrepreneur: Essays on Organizations and Markets

TOTM I purchased my copy of Peter Klein’s latest —  The Capitalist & The Entrepreneur: Essays on Organizations and Markets — today.  It is available for . . .

I purchased my copy of Peter Klein’s latest —  The Capitalist & The Entrepreneur: Essays on Organizations and Markets — today.  It is available for purchase here and here.  And if you wont to sneak a peak, you can see the full version here.  The role of the entrepreneur is one of the more under-theorized subjects in economics and, in turn, law and economics.  Peter is an insightful and thoughtful economist with the right toolkit to bring to bear on this project.  He is one of my favorite thinkers about these subjects (he is also my second favorite Klein, no small compliment in these quarters).   I’m greatly looking forward to the book.

Read the full piece here.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

Comments on Jonathan Baker’s Preserving a Political Bargain

TOTM I’ve recently finished reading Jonathan Baker’s Preserving a Political Bargain: The Political Economy of the Non-Interventionist Challenge to Monopolization Enforcement, forthcoming in the Antitrust Law . . .

I’ve recently finished reading Jonathan Baker’s Preserving a Political Bargain: The Political Economy of the Non-Interventionist Challenge to Monopolization Enforcement, forthcoming in the Antitrust Law Journal.

Baker’s central thesis in Preserving a Political Bargain builds on earlier work concerning competition policy as an implicit political bargain that was reached during the 1940s between the more extreme positions of laissez-faire on the one hand and regulation on the other.  The new piece tries to explain what Baker describes as the “non-interventionist” critique of monopolization enforcement within this framework.

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Facile claims of behavioral economics: too much choice; not enough privacy

TOTM Chris Hoofnagle writing at the TAP blog about Facebook’s comprehensive privacy options (“To opt out of full disclosure of most information, it is necessary to . . .

Chris Hoofnagle writing at the TAP blog about Facebook’s comprehensive privacy options (“To opt out of full disclosure of most information, it is necessary to click through more than 50 privacy buttons, which then require choosing among a total of more than 170 options.”) claims that…

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Data Security & Privacy

Judge Sullivan and the UPP: Much Ado About Nothing or Articulating the Real Problem with the New HMGs?

TOTM Much has been made of Judge Sullivan’s recent decision in City of New York v. Group Health Incorporated and its implications for the UPP test . . .

Much has been made of Judge Sullivan’s recent decision in City of New York v. Group Health Incorporated and its implications for the UPP test and market definition in merger cases under Section 7 of the Clayton Act.  Given the 2010 Proposed Horizontal Merger Guidelines’ (2010 HMGs) shift toward diversion ratios and margins and away from market shares, the blogosphere has sold Judge Sullivan’s decision as sign that the agencies might have a tough time selling the UPP to federal courts in the post-2010 HMG world.

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Insider Trading and CEO Pay

Scholarship Abstract This Paper presents evidence boards of directors “bargain” with executives about the profits they expect to make from trades in firm stock. The evidence . . .


This Paper presents evidence boards of directors “bargain” with executives about the profits they expect to make from trades in firm stock. The evidence suggests executives whose trading freedom is increased using Rule 10b5-1 trading plans experienced reductions in other forms of pay to offset the potential gains from trading. There are two benefits from trading—portfolio optimization and informed trading profits—and this Paper allows us to isolate them. The data show boards pay executives in a way that reflects the profits they are expected to earn from informed trades. The legal issues about paying using illegal profits are explored. As a matter of policy, the data seriously undercut criticisms of the laissez-faire view of insider trading most closely associated with Henry Manne. At least with respect to classic insider trading (that is, a manager of a firm trading on the basis of information about the firm where she works), if boards are taking potential trading profits into consideration when setting pay, it is difficult to locate potential victims of this trading. Current shareholders should be happy with a deal that pays managers in part out of the hide of future shareholders, and the firm should internalize any costs arising from this payment scheme, since future shareholders should take this into account when deciding whether and what price to buy shares. While there still may be good reasons to prohibit some individuals from trading on material, non-public information, the case for classic insider trading is made much weaker by this data.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

More Details on the OFT’s Botched Prosecution of British Airways

TOTM The remarkable failure by OFT prosecutors to disclose key documents to the defence, betrays their inexperience in criminal proceedings and suggests a complacent overreliance on the whistleblowing party, Virgin Atlantic, in building their case.

Here (HT: Danny Sokol).   The post by Andreas Stephan implies that the OFT’s mistakes in the BA prosecution threaten to undermine the effectiveness of cartel enforcement in the UK generally and predicts that the OFT will not bring more criminal prosecutions in the near future.   Stephan also provides some more detail on what apparently went wrong…

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Controlling ATM Fees: Competition Versus Political Fiat

TOTM Taking a page from Rahm Emanuel’s never let a serious crisis go to waste playbook, our esteemed senators are loading the pending financial reform legislation, . . .

Taking a page from Rahm Emanuel’s never let a serious crisis go to waste playbook, our esteemed senators are loading the pending financial reform legislation, ostensibly aimed at preventing future financial meltdowns, with all sorts of wish-list items that have nothing to do with financial crises.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

Are State Consumer Protection Acts Really Little-FTC Acts?

Scholarship Abstract State Consumer Protection Acts (CPAs) were designed to supplement the Federal Trade Commission’s mission of protecting consumers and are often referred to as “little-FTC . . .


State Consumer Protection Acts (CPAs) were designed to supplement the Federal Trade Commission’s mission of protecting consumers and are often referred to as “little-FTC Acts.” There is growing concern that enforcement under these acts is not only qualitatively different than FTC enforcement, but may be counterproductive for consumers. This article examines a sample of CPA claims and compares them to the FTC standard. It identifies qualitative differences between CPA and FTC claims by commissioning a “Shadow Federal Trade Commission” of experts in consumer protection. The study finds that many CPA claims include conduct that would not be illegal under the FTC standards and that most of the cases with illegal conduct would not warrant FTC enforcement. Even among CPA cases where the plaintiff prevailed, nearly half do not include illegal conduct under the FTC standard and most of the cases with illegal conduct would not invoke FTC enforcement. The results clearly suggest private litigation under little-FTC Acts tends to pursue a different consumer protection mission than the Bureau of Consumer Protection at the Federal Trade Commission.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection