ICLE on Limiting Anonymity

TorrentFreak – The International Center for Law & Economics (ICLE) was cited by TorrentFreak in a piece about its recent comments to the U.S. Department of Commerce on anonymous Internet as a Service communications. You can read the full piece here.

Last week, the response from The International Center for Law and Economics (ICLE) was published online. This independent bi-partisan research center relies on input from academics and regularly shares its thoughts on important policy debates. That includes the executive cybersecurity order.

According to ICLE, real anonymity is hard to find on the Internet. Using the term “pseudonymous” would be more appropriate. However, certain tools and services definitely make it harder for law enforcement to track down criminals.

VPNs, Tor, and proxy services can be used for good. However, they can also be abused by malicious actors, the research center notes.

“[I]t remains the case that when anonymity is combined with easily accessible tools like virtual private networks, proxy servers, and The Onion Network (Tor), it can tend to confound law enforcement,” they write.