ICLE on Grocery Market Share

The Colorado Sun View Original Source

Colorado Sun – An ICLE white paper about the proposed merger of Kroger and Albertsons was mentioned in an op-ed by former U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner in the Colorado Sun. You can read full piece here.

The seismic shifts that have reshaped the American grocery retail landscape over the past decade must be acknowledged. The top 15 grocers, including industry behemoths Amazon, Costco and Walmart, have extended their reach far beyond traditional supermarkets. Online grocery shopping has accelerated, with only 44% of Americans now primarily purchasing groceries at physical stores, down from 63% before the onset of the pandemic.  Even if the proposed Kroger-Albertsons merger progresses, it would still fall significantly short of reaching half of Costco’s market value and would represent only 8% of nationwide sales, according to the International Center for Law and Economics.