Dan Gilman on the Axon Cases

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Dan Gilman on the Axon Cases

ICLE Senior Scholar Daniel J. Gilman was quoted by Law360 in a story about the spate of litigation challenging the Federal Trade Commission’s constitutionality in . . .

ICLE on Debit-Card Fees

ICLE comments to the Federal Reserve on a proposal to amend Regulation II, which caps the fees that can be charged to merchants for processing . . .

ICLE on the Gilead Case

ICLE’s amicus in Gilead Science’s appeal before the California Supreme Court was cited in an article about the case in National Law Review. You can . . .

Gus Hurwitz on TikTok’s Lawsuit

ICLE Director of Law & Economics Programs Gus Hurwitz was cited by West Island Blog in a story about the lawsuit the company filed challenging a . . .