Eric Alston

Scholar in Residence
University of Colorado Leeds School of Business

Eric Alston’s research and teaching is centered in the field of institutional and organizational analysis, which draws primarily from the disciplines of economics, law, and political science as well as other behavioral sciences. Eric’s research projects include a co-authored institutional analysis textbook (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming), constitutional design studies drawing from both specific country examples and empirical techniques, and archival historical research into development of property rights along legal frontiers. His contemporary work uses cross-sectional data from every constitution in force worldwide, as well as lessons from the implementation of Ecuador’s 2008 Constitution.

His historical work focuses on the late 19th and early 20th centuries along the US frontier, with a specific emphasis on property law. Eric’s outreach and service activities include educational materials, instructional workshops, and comparative expertise to constitutional drafting processes worldwide. Eric is also working on developing implementation strategies and model legislation for the application of blockchain technology to property titling questions in developing nations