Angela Wigger

Associate Professor of International Relations, Radboud University

Angela Wigger is specialised in the discipline of Global Political Economy and researches capitalist crises and political crises responses from a historical materialist perspective. Focal points are the geopolitics of industrial and antitrust policy, industrial reshoring attempts, the “competitiveness” fetish, internal devaluation and debt-led accumulation in the age of rentier capitalism. Angela co-edits the book series Progress in Political Economy, the journal Capital&Class, chairs the supervisory board of the Centre for Research of Multinational Corporations (SOMO), and is moreover a Euromemogroup member. She wrote “The Politics of European Competition Regulation. A Critical Political Economy Perspective” (with H.Buch-Hansen, Routledge) and published in journals like New Political Economy, New Political Science, RIPE, JCMS, Economy&Society, Globalizations, Geoforum, Capital&Class, Ephemera, and many more. Her PhD was titled Competition for Competitiveness. The Politics of Transformation of the EU Competition Regime (2008).