Andrew Stivers

Andrew Stivers is a director of NERA Economic Consulting. Prior to joining NERA, Stivers was a senior official in the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Economics, where he oversaw economic analysis of all consumer protection and privacy matters. He advised the Bureau of Consumer Protection and commissioners on hundreds of regulatory and law enforcement matters during his seven-year tenure leading this work at the commission. Stivers was directly involved in developing economic analysis and standards for evaluating novel and consequential matters.

Prior to his leadership role at the FTC, Stivers served as the director of the Division of Public Health Informatics and Analytics at the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, overseeing the center’s statistical, epidemiological, and consumer research groups. His regulatory work for the agency included providing economic and behavioral analysis to consumer nutrition labeling initiatives. As an academic, Stivers focused his research on the regulation of information and language in the marketplace