The Costs of Product Placement, Maserati Edition

The Costs of Product Placement, Maserati Edition

In my academic research, I’ve studied contractual arrangements between manufacturers and retailers for premium shelf space, including slotting arrangements and category management contracts.  Typically, a . . .


Allen on Alchian and the UCLA School

At Econ Journal Watch.   Professor Allen offers a wonderful personal history of the UCLA Economics Department, including the rise and fall of what he describes . . .


The FTC Loses in Ovation Pharmaceuticals

There are some new developments in the Federal Trade Commission’s consummated merger case brought against Ovation.  Namely, the FTC has lost.  TOTM readers may recall . . .


Republicans for Expanding the Tort System?

Barring some sort of last extension Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP Extension Act (MMSEA) of 2007 will require all property casualty insurers to report all settlements, awards . . .