Some Praise for the FTC

Some Praise for the FTC

We dole out at least our fair share of criticism for the Federal Trade Commission here.  Now its time for some credit where its due.  . . .


Beer v. Pot, Public Choice Edition

The political economy of alcohol regulation has always been fascinating.  But things took an interesting turn of late (HT: Marginal Revolution) when a beer industry . . .


Antitrust and Congress

Last Thursday and Friday, I attended a conference at Case Western Law School on the Roberts Court’s business law decisions. I presented a paper on . . .


The Complexity of Simple Economics

That’s the title of Steve Horwitz’s blog post reflecting on a recent celebration honoring the lifetime contributions of 1986 economics Nobel Prize winner James Buchanan. . . .


Which CFPB Will We Get?

Todd mentions Elizabeth Warren’s “kick off” speech for the CFPB, in which she accepts the new “President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the . . .


Now, Everyone, Gasp In Surprise

Alan Greenspan has been revered in political and media circles since his benevolent reign over times of fortune as the Chair of the US Federal . . .


FTC v. Ovation Opinion

The opinion in Ovation (i.e. FTC v. Lundbeck) is now available.  The first footnote in Judge Ericksen’s opinion notes that “the FTC and Minnesota began . . .