What I Did on My Blog Vacation

What I Did on My Blog Vacation

So I’ve been a little absent from the blog lately. Sorry about that. I have a decent excuse. As our law prof readers know, but . . .


CBS v. Howard Stern Complaint

Courtesy of ContractsProf Blog, here is what purports to be a copy of the elusive complaint in CBS v. Howard Stern. ContractsProf Blog includes the . . .


On disclosure: Shame?

Daniel Akst in the NYT has an interesting piece on executive compensation and disclosure (HT: Tyler Cowen). He calls for more shame — more reliance . . .


A Reply to McCann on the Globetrotters

Professor McCann responds to my earlier post about the Globetrotters use of exclusive contracts, and more generally, erroneously inferring monopoly power from the observation of . . .


SCOTUS (Almost) Nails Another One …

Another 8-0 antitrust decision from SCOTUS. Very interesting. For those of you who have not been following, the Court rejected the longstanding, but almost uniformly . . .


Hanno Kaiser’s antitrust primer

While we’re on the topic of antitrust, I thought I would take this opportunity to draw our readers’ attention to a nice series of posts . . .