Manne & Williamson get results from the FTC and DOJ!

Do Slotting Contracts Harm Consumers?

Warning: shameless plug of my own research to follow! Slotting allowances, or payments for shelf space, have been a central part of my research agenda . . .


In Defense of Short-Selling

In today’s W$J, Holman Jenkins stands up for short-sellers, and rightly so. Those folks have taken a bit of a beating lately. They’ve been sued . . .


Tenure and the Law Deans

While we’re talking about the ABA . . . Brian Leiter asks whether the American Law Deans’ Association is opposed to tenure. The question is . . .


DOJ Approves Whirlpool/Maytag Merger

The DOJ will not challenge Whirlpool’s (much-blogged-about) proposed acquisition of Maytag (HT: WSJ Law Blog). This Reuters blurb suggests that antitrust experts believe the decision . . .


Zaring on the ABA Consent Decree

David Zaring, guest blogging at Concurring Opinions, has some thoughts on the sunsetting of the ABA’s consent decree this June. David asked for my thoughts . . .