What’s wrong with what Eduardo Penalver thinks is wrong with property rights initiatives

It’s all Roosevelt’s fault

My friend Seth Weinberger over at Security Dilemmas has a great post on why the left is actually to blame for the post-9/11 national security . . .


Supremes Take New Antitrust Cases

Hanno Kaiser at the Antitrust Review reports (courtesy of the ABA listserv) that SCOTUS has granted cert in Weyerhauser (predatory buying) and Twombly (pleading standards), . . .


Salinger on Price Gouging

Economist Michael Salinger, Director of the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Economics for the past year, comments on the recent FTC Report and price gouging . . .


The NYT on SCOTUSs Wetlands Decision

Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a fractured decision in consolidated appeals raising the issue of which wetlands come within the ambit of the federal . . .