Familiar Rantings at the Washington Post

Familiar Rantings at the Washington Post

In January, Washington, D.C. will join the nearly 500 cities nationwide that have thwarted the free market’s accommodation of heterogeneous preferences and have ordered private . . .


Bainbridge Rebrands

Prof. Bainbridge has announced that it is time to shift from a general interest, punditry-style blog to a more narrow focus on issues of business . . .


Google, Net Neutrality, and Antitrust

Hanno Kaiser at Antitrust Review discusses the implications of Google’s acquisition of YouTube for the net neutrality debate. Hanno opines that the deal may increase . . .


Update: Vandy’s PhD in Law and Economics

A few months ago, Keith posted regarding the announcement of Vanderbilt’s new PhD program in Law and Economics. The post generated a lively discussion in . . .


Starbucks Antitrust Update

WSJ Law Blog offers a follow up (and the complaint!) to Keith’s post (also check out the discussion in the comments) on the antitrust suit . . .