FTC Grocery Antitrust Conference

FTC Grocery Antitrust Conference

The FTC’s Bureau of Economics has scheduled a conference that looks very interesting and concerns a subject near and dear to my heart: antitrust in . . .


Clinton, Obama, and Wal-Mart

At his new and excellent blog Hodak Value, frequent TOTM commentor Marc Hodak offers the following in response to a post at the Daily Kos . . .


How Steve Levitt Might Save Economics

There’s been enough attention paid to the question of whether Steve Levitt is ruining economics. I did my share to contribute to the focus on . . .


Congratulations to Kate Litvak!

Kate Litvak (UT Law, and friend of TOTM) , whose excellent paper (discussed around the blogosphere here and here), “The Effect of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act . . .