More Thoughts on Free Market Orthodoxy in Antitrust

Newsflash! AAI supports merger review!

In shocking news, the American Antitrust Institute has come out with a white paper suggesting that the FTC’s challenge of the Whole Foods/Wild Oats merger . . .


Evaluating Leegin

Thom’s excellent post covers most of the important points in Leegin and offers a fairly comprehensive critique of what I deemed to be a surprisingly . . .


Dr. Miles (1911-2007)

So Dr. Miles is dead. May he rest in peace. No great surprises in the majority opinion in Leegin. Justice Kennedy, quite rightly, emphasized points . . .


Predictions on Leegin

Well we’re coming down to the wire, folks. The Supreme Court is wrapping up its term any day now, and no still no word on . . .