Zywicki on the Two-Income Trap Hypothesis

Zywicki on the Two-Income Trap Hypothesis

My colleague Todd Zywicki offers an empirical rebuttal to the Warren-Tyagi “Two Income Trap” hypothesis which asserts that families with two incomes end up more . . .


Antitrust in China

It appears that China may be very close to passing its Anti-Monopoly Law (HT: Danny Sokol).  Like many others, I’ve been following these developments (see, . . .


This is Bad News for GMU

Wow. This is a coup for Chapman and more importantly (at least to me!), a major loss for GMU. Read the full piece here. 


Antitrust News at GW Law

GW Law received a $5.1 million award to fund a Center for Competition Law resulting from the settlement of a class-action antitrust suit brought by . . .


The EC versus Intel: The SO is issued

To no one’s great surprise (other than that it took so long), the European Commission issued a Statement of Objections against Intel today.  More information . . .