Yet Another Voluntary Pricing Experiment

Yet Another Voluntary Pricing Experiment

This time from Paste Magazine (HT: Peter Schwartz via Wired Blog Magazine), and motivated by the Radiohead Experiment, and with an interesting twist… Read the . . .


NYT’s Freudian Slip

I just wandered down to the local Panera Bread for lunch and picked up someone’s discarded copy of today’s New York Times. One of today’s . . .


Donations for San Diego Fires

I’ve been watching the news coverage of the San Diego fires this evening hoping for any bit of good news. It hasn’t come yet (a . . .


Lysine Cartel Video Available from DOJ

Todd Zywicki recommends Kurt Eichenwald’s The Informant, the fascinating story of the prosecution of the Archer Daniels Midland lysine cartel in the 1990s, and asks . . .


Peking University IEPR Antitrust Conference

Today marked the completion of the J. Mirrlees Institute of Economic Policy Research (IEPR) Conference on China’s Competition Policy and Anti-Monopoly Law at Peking University . . .