The Dual Antitrust Enforcement Question

The Dual Antitrust Enforcement Question

With all of the recent talk of the “optimal regulatory structure” and proposals about regulatory consolidation and reorganization (here is Glom Blogger David Zaring on . . .


Comment on “Barnett on Sirius-XM”

I can’t seem to get my comment on Geoff’s XM-Sirius post below to go through, so I’ll just post it: I would still disagree with . . .


Barnett on Sirius-XM

The Washington Post is reporting that the long-embattled Sirius/XM merger has received DOJ approval (FCC approval still pending) (HT: David Fischer).  About time, I’d say . . .


Public Choice and the Law Textbook

Todd Zywicki and Maxwell Stearns have a draft of their new textbook, “Public Choice Concepts and Applications in the Law,” available for review for profs . . .