Antitrust and Health Care

Antitrust and Health Care

Barak Richman (Duke) and James Blumstein (Vanderbilt) have an interesting exchange at PENNumbra, University of Pennsylvania School of Law’s online forum for debate surrounding scholarship . . .


Coate on Unilateral Effects at the FTC

FTC economist Malcolm Coate has posted Unilateral Effects Under the Guidelines: Models, Merits and Merger Policy to SSRN. Read the full piece here.


Cartel Enforcement and the Election

From an excellent short article by Dan McInnis (Akin Gump) on the potential impact of the election on cartel policy in Global Competition Policy… Read . . .


N-Data Settlement Approved 3-1

The public comment period has closed and the N-Data settlement has been approved by a vote of 3-1 with Chairman Kovacic voting against (his earlier . . .


Geradin on Loyalty Rebates

Damien Geradin has posted an interesting paper on “Separating Pro-competitive from Anti-competitive Loyalty Rebates: A Conceptual Framework.”  Here’s the (long) abstract… Read the full piece . . .


Odd FTC Consent in Vertical Licensing Case

The FTC announced a complaint today challenging Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co.’s proposed acquisition of an exclusive sublicense from Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, who is in . . .


An Unsurprising Result

The Irish Competition Authority releases a report offering the stunning finding that “The retail planning system limits competition among grocery retailers and as a result . . .