Abuse of Plaintiff Win Rates as Evidence that Antitrust Law Is Too Lenient

Google Yahoo Deal Update

The Wall Street Journal offers an update on the settlement talks with DOJ over the Google-Yahoo deal, which includes some interesting details about possible concessions . . .


GCP on the Section 2 Report Schism

Global Competition Policy has a trio of interesting articles on the DOJ Section 2 Report, and FTC response, which I’ve blogged about here and here . . .


What Did Twombly Do Anyway?

Here is a very interesting empirical paper examining post-Twombly pleading from Martin Redish and Lee Epstein describing the state of affairs at the appellate court . . .


Commissioner Rosch v. Economics, Again

I’ve been critical of the Federal Trade Commission, and particularly Commissioner Rosch, for embracing what I think is a dangerously obsolete view of the role . . .


Armen Alchian Plays Prisoners’ Dilemma

Many economists know of the famous repeated prisoners’ dilemma experiments played by famous economists.  I recently came across this old post from Brad Delong with an . . .


Hazlett on Net Neutrality and Antitrust

My colleague Tom Hazlett has an interesting piece in the Financial Times chiming in on the network neutrality debate.  Hazlett makes the point that if . . .