Should the Supreme Court Grant Cert in Rambus?

Price Discrimination is Good, Part 2

Yesterday I started a new TOTM feature on why price discrimination is good in light of the bad rap that the practice gets in public . . .


Price Discrimination Is Good, Part I

Price discrimination involves a firm taking advantage of different elasticities of demand for the same goods by charging different prices relative to marginal cost. Price . . .


FTC Seeks Cert in Rambus

The press release is here.  The petition is here.  The questions presented, as framed by the Commission are: 1. Whether deceptive conduct that significantly contributes . . .


Principles for Bailout Management

I had the pleasure last week of participating in a bailout panel at William & Mary Law School. The William & Mary Federalist Society, which . . .


Inter-Agency Teleseminar Showdown

You may recall we’ve been blogging quite a bit about the FTC and DOJ scuffle over Section 2 (See here and here). On Thursday, December . . .


The Antitrust Rumormill …

So, now that the election is over, it must be time to start speculating as to who will fill what spots in the Obama administration. . . .