Bittlingmayer and Hazlett on the Stimulus

Bittlingmayer and Hazlett on the Stimulus

George Bittlingmayer (University of Kansas) and my colleague Tom Hazlett look at the market response to the stimulus and find it none too enthusiastic… Read . . .


Three from Brad DeLong

Yesterday I criticized Brad DeLong for, essentially, acting like a child. Today I want to draw attention to three posts from Brad DeLong–in none of . . .


The Law Market

The Law Market, Larry Ribstein’s new and important book with Erin O’Hara looks great and is available here from Oxford University Press.  The book description . . .


Presenting Complex Economic Theories to Judges

This fascinating OECD document compiling submissions on the topic is a gold mine of observations on purported best practices for presenting economic testimony to judges . . .