Brad DeLong’s head must have already exploded before he wrote this

What Am I Missing About Antitrust Exemptions?

Geoff mentions the pending bills on the Hill that would grant merchants an antitrust exemption to negotiate interchange fees.  The insurance industry exemption has also . . .


Don’t Kill Credit

My co-author on this paper on The Effect of the CFPA Act of 2009 on Consumer Credit, David Evans, has a great post over at . . .


Don’t kill interchange fees

Speaking of Josh’s co-author, David Evans,  David just testified the other day before the House Financial Services Committee on a bill, the Welch Bill, HR . . .


The NFL and the Theory of the Firm

Some serious reading first on American Needle, Inc. v. National Football League, No. 08-661 (U.S. S. Ct.)… Read the full piece here.


Merger Guidelines Reading

Volume 16, Issue 4 of the George Mason Law Review (which I received in my mailbox today) has a well timed issue from its antitrust . . .