Another Mis-step in Reactionary Regulation

Another Mis-step in Reactionary Regulation

Today’s Wall Street Journal reports that Senators Cantwell and McCain are preparing legislation to reinstate Glass-Steagall-type restrictions to create a “firewall” between commercial and investment . . .


It’s a Section 5!

The FTC brought its long-awaited case against Intel today.  New York Times report here.  Of course we’ve covered the various antitrust claims against Intel at . . .


Symposium Wrap Up

Thanks to all of our participants and readers for the blog symposium–both the posts and the comments were engaging and thoughtful, and I hope these . . .


Merchant Collusion as an Antitrust Remedy

In my first post I discussed the potential for interchange legislation from a consumer protection perspective, that is, would the combination of disclosure requirements coupled . . .