Disclosure of ethics waivers under SOX: Recent scholarship from Rodrigues and Stegemoller

Morons of the world, unite!

My wife makes me subscribe to the New York Times, and occasionally it is worth it. Take this recent essay by Roger Cohen. It is . . .


Here Come the Price Controls

As Todd mentioned, the Obama Administration has released its latest plan for regulating (and mandating) health insurance. The new plan includes a novel element: the . . .


The Party of No

In the comments to my last post on Mr. Obama’s health proposals (which have gotten worse — price controls!?), “Chris” and I have been having . . .


Mr. Obama, go to ‘China’

The president revealed his last-ditch plan to reform our healthcare system today. (Funny the plan is revealed before the “bipartisan” meeting about health care being . . .


Government ownership of land

I love our national parks as much as the next guy (probably more, having visited every major one and dozens of smaller ones, and loving . . .