Free Lunch Podcast Episode 33 – Net Neutrality and Federalism

Free Lunch Podcast Episode 33 – Net Neutrality and Federalism

Despite the Federal Communication Commission’s decision in December 2017 to eliminate the common carrier regulations for Internet services — the so-called net neutrality rules the FCC created in 2015 — the net neutrality debate rages on. Gus Hurwitz, Brent Skorup, and Geoffrey Manne discuss this new front in regulation, federalism, and grassroots activism.

Presentations & Interviews

Competition Committee Hearing on Big Data and Competition (Paris, France)

The difference between privacy protection and antitrust law -Privacy is fundamentally a consumer protection or tort issue. - In theory, antitrust law can deal with privacy as a non-price factor of hard to measure against/combine competition, but this is an uneasy fit — with other effects...

Presentations & Interviews