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Bootleggers and Baptists, Madison Style

TOTM Last Wednesday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court heard oral argument on whether to reinstate an antitrust lawsuit against taverns around the University of Wisconsin (story here). . . .

Last Wednesday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court heard oral argument on whether to reinstate an antitrust lawsuit against taverns around the University of Wisconsin (story here). In 2002, the taverns agreed to eliminate drink specials after 8:00 PM on Fridays and Saturdays. A group of students filed a class action lawsuit against the taverns for injunctive relief and damages, claiming that the agreement constituted an illegal conspiracy in restraint of trade.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Thom, Tom, and Section 2

TOTM I highly recommend co-blogger Thom’s paper (discussed in this post) for those interested in the current Section 2 debate over the appropriate standard for exclusionary . . .

I highly recommend co-blogger Thom’s paper (discussed in this post) for those interested in the current Section 2 debate over the appropriate standard for exclusionary conduct. While I tend to fall into the camp that views unilateral firm conduct as too diverse for a “holy grail” test to make sense, and therefore support different tests for different types of conduct, Thom’s paper does an excellent job of summarizing these tests and working through the potential implications of the Supreme Court’s Weyerhaeuser decision for each of them.

Read the full piece here.  

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Edwards, Antitrust, and the Return of Von’s Grocery?

TOTM AAI continues its series of antitrust policy statements from presidential candidates with a submission from John Edwards. Again, I’m very pleased that the AAI was . . .

AAI continues its series of antitrust policy statements from presidential candidates with a submission from John Edwards. Again, I’m very pleased that the AAI was successful in getting this series of submissions together and inducing candidates to share their thoughts on antitrust policy. So what does Edwards have to say?

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Weyerhaeuser and the Search for Antitrust’s Holy Grail

TOTM I’ve just posted my latest antitrust article, Weyerhaeuser and the Search for Antitrust’s Holy Grail, to SSRN. Here’s the abstract… Read the full piece here. 

I’ve just posted my latest antitrust article, Weyerhaeuser and the Search for Antitrust’s Holy Grail, to SSRN. Here’s the abstract…

Read the full piece here

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

We Are Not Just Going to Stand Here, We Are Going to Do Something!

TOTM That seems to be the message of presidential candidate/ Senator Barak Obama’s response to the American Antitrust Institute’s questions on antitrust (HT: Antitrust Review). First . . .

That seems to be the message of presidential candidate/ Senator Barak Obama’s response to the American Antitrust Institute’s questions on antitrust (HT: Antitrust Review). First off, kudos to Obama for stating his position on antitrust in a public forum. I hope the rest of the candidates will do the same. Do go read the whole thing.

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Antitrust and Real Business Cycle Theory

TOTM Andrew Young and William Shughart II have posted an interesting paper (forthcoming in Public Choice) entitled “The Consequences of the U.S. DOJ’s Antitrust Activities: A . . .

Andrew Young and William Shughart II have posted an interesting paper (forthcoming in Public Choice) entitled “The Consequences of the U.S. DOJ’s Antitrust Activities: A Macroeconomic Perspective.”

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Forget About the Bar Exam, Take Antitrust …

TOTM Melissa Lafsky at the Freakonomics Blog reports on a study showing no relationship between law school courseload choices and bar passage rates (except in the . . .

Melissa Lafsky at the Freakonomics Blog reports on a study showing no relationship between law school courseload choices and bar passage rates (except in the third quartile of students apparently).  So what to do?

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Here We Go Again? The Transatlantic Fireworks over Microsoft Begin …

TOTM EU Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes responds to the USDOJ Antitrust AG’s criticism of the recent Microsoft decision… Read the full piece here. 

EU Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes responds to the USDOJ Antitrust AG’s criticism of the recent Microsoft decision…

Read the full piece here

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Reactions to the Microsoft Decision

TOTM The reaction to the CFI’s Microsoft decision (press release here) thus far has been largely negative. Read the full piece here.

The reaction to the CFI’s Microsoft decision (press release here) thus far has been largely negative.

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection