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More on universities

TOTM My post on universities/Zittrain/Harvard generated an excellent comment from Mike Madison. Here is my comment to Mike’s post… Read the full piece here.

My post on universities/Zittrain/Harvard generated an excellent comment from Mike Madison. Here is my comment to Mike’s post…

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‘Hofstra-gate?’ Revisited

TOTM Matt Bodie, of Hofstra and Prawfsblawg, is “a little outraged” at the NCAA tournament selection committee’s failure to invite Hofstra to the big dance. But . . .

Matt Bodie, of Hofstra and Prawfsblawg, is “a little outraged” at the NCAA tournament selection committee’s failure to invite Hofstra to the big dance. But what really gets Matt is that…

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What I Did on My Blog Vacation

TOTM So I’ve been a little absent from the blog lately. Sorry about that. I have a decent excuse. As our law prof readers know, but . . .

So I’ve been a little absent from the blog lately. Sorry about that. I have a decent excuse.

As our law prof readers know, but others might not, this is prime article submission season. The conventional wisdom is that it’s best your get your article into the hands of newly minted law review editors right after they take over, which usually happens around the first of March. Hence, there’s a mad dash to submit journal articles around this time of year.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

CBS v. Howard Stern Complaint

TOTM Courtesy of ContractsProf Blog, here is what purports to be a copy of the elusive complaint in CBS v. Howard Stern. ContractsProf Blog includes the . . .

Courtesy of ContractsProf Blog, here is what purports to be a copy of the elusive complaint in CBS v. Howard Stern. ContractsProf Blog includes the following disclaimer regarding the authenticity of the complaint…

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

Call for Papers: AALS Section on Securities Regulation

TOTM The AALS Section on Securities Regulation will hold its seventh meeting during the AALS Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California from January 3-6, 2007. (The . . .

The AALS Section on Securities Regulation will hold its seventh meeting during the AALS Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California from January 3-6, 2007. (The Section meeting is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, January 6, 2007).

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

On disclosure: Shame?

TOTM Daniel Akst in the NYT has an interesting piece on executive compensation and disclosure (HT: Tyler Cowen). He calls for more shame — more reliance . . .

Daniel Akst in the NYT has an interesting piece on executive compensation and disclosure (HT: Tyler Cowen). He calls for more shame — more reliance on norms to manage intractable agency problems…

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

A Reply to McCann on the Globetrotters

TOTM Professor McCann responds to my earlier post about the Globetrotters use of exclusive contracts, and more generally, erroneously inferring monopoly power from the observation of . . .

Professor McCann responds to my earlier post about the Globetrotters use of exclusive contracts, and more generally, erroneously inferring monopoly power from the observation of a single firm winning the competition for exclusives…

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

The Globetrotters and Competition for Contract

TOTM Microsoft, AT&T, Standard Oil, and …. the Globetrotters? The Globetrotters just might join this list of well known antitrust defendants. The Harlem Ambassadors, a rival . . .

Microsoft, AT&T, Standard Oil, and …. the Globetrotters? The Globetrotters just might join this list of well known antitrust defendants. The Harlem Ambassadors, a rival exhibition basketball squad, have filed a complaint with the FTC concerning the Globetrotters’ use of “exclusivity windows” in leases with local arenas, which effectively prevent competitors from playing in the same arena around the same time as the Globetrotters. CNN Money has the story here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Universities redux: The anti-market folks begin to crow

TOTM Last week I made a few observations and asked a few questions about higher education in the wake of the Summers fiasco (which I dubbed . . .

Last week I made a few observations and asked a few questions about higher education in the wake of the Summers fiasco (which I dubbed l’Affair Étés, but apparently no one thought that was nearly as clever as I did).

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