Showing Latest Publications

“Let the Market Handle It”

TOTM Economists, free-marketeers, and law and econ types are often accused of invoking this phrase as a knee-jerk reaction to regulations of all shapes and sizes. . . .

Economists, free-marketeers, and law and econ types are often accused of invoking this phrase as a knee-jerk reaction to regulations of all shapes and sizes. The position is sometimes attacked as overly simplistic, based upon an unjustified faith in markets, or just plain lazy. On this score, Don Boudreaux (Cafe Hayek, GMU) has a must-read post on what it means to favor the market solutions to government solutions to various public policy problems.

Read the full piece here.

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I look pretty young but I’m just backdated, yeah

TOTM The WSJ this weekend has a long piece on the issue of stock option backdating, “The Perfect Payday.” Here’s the tagline… Read the full piece . . .

The WSJ this weekend has a long piece on the issue of stock option backdating, “The Perfect Payday.” Here’s the tagline…

Read the full piece here.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

Globetrotters Update

TOTM Sports Law Blog’s Michael McCann updates our recent discussion (me: here and here; and Professor McCann here) of the Harlem Ambassadors’ complaint to the FTC . . .

Sports Law Blog’s Michael McCann updates our recent discussion (me: here and here; and Professor McCann here) of the Harlem Ambassadors’ complaint to the FTC regarding the Globetrotters’ use of exclusivity windows in sports arena leases. In response to our debate, the Harlem Ambassadors’ founder and president Dale Moss emailed us some very interesting comments.

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

CEOs, Shareholders, and Preferences for Risk

TOTM Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks and co-owner of Landmark Theatres, has been blogging about equity-based CEO compensation and the problems it purportedly creates. . . .

Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks and co-owner of Landmark Theatres, has been blogging about equity-based CEO compensation and the problems it purportedly creates. Cuban’s theory is that paying CEOs in company stock does not tend to align their interests with those of shareholders; instead, it leads CEOs to pursue excessively risky business ventures.

Read the full piece here.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

More on universities

TOTM My post on universities/Zittrain/Harvard generated an excellent comment from Mike Madison. Here is my comment to Mike’s post… Read the full piece here.

My post on universities/Zittrain/Harvard generated an excellent comment from Mike Madison. Here is my comment to Mike’s post…

Read the full piece here.

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‘Hofstra-gate?’ Revisited

TOTM Matt Bodie, of Hofstra and Prawfsblawg, is “a little outraged” at the NCAA tournament selection committee’s failure to invite Hofstra to the big dance. But . . .

Matt Bodie, of Hofstra and Prawfsblawg, is “a little outraged” at the NCAA tournament selection committee’s failure to invite Hofstra to the big dance. But what really gets Matt is that…

Read the full piece here.

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What I Did on My Blog Vacation

TOTM So I’ve been a little absent from the blog lately. Sorry about that. I have a decent excuse. As our law prof readers know, but . . .

So I’ve been a little absent from the blog lately. Sorry about that. I have a decent excuse.

As our law prof readers know, but others might not, this is prime article submission season. The conventional wisdom is that it’s best your get your article into the hands of newly minted law review editors right after they take over, which usually happens around the first of March. Hence, there’s a mad dash to submit journal articles around this time of year.

Read the full piece here.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

CBS v. Howard Stern Complaint

TOTM Courtesy of ContractsProf Blog, here is what purports to be a copy of the elusive complaint in CBS v. Howard Stern. ContractsProf Blog includes the . . .

Courtesy of ContractsProf Blog, here is what purports to be a copy of the elusive complaint in CBS v. Howard Stern. ContractsProf Blog includes the following disclaimer regarding the authenticity of the complaint…

Read the full piece here.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

Call for Papers: AALS Section on Securities Regulation

TOTM The AALS Section on Securities Regulation will hold its seventh meeting during the AALS Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California from January 3-6, 2007. (The . . .

The AALS Section on Securities Regulation will hold its seventh meeting during the AALS Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California from January 3-6, 2007. (The Section meeting is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, January 6, 2007).

Read the full piece here.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance