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Testimony on HB 1902 Prohibiting “Pay for Delay” Settlements

TOTM David Fischer brings my attention to testimony on HB 1902 which would prohibit “payment for delay” settlements between brand name and generic drug companies.  FTC . . .

David Fischer brings my attention to testimony on HB 1902 which would prohibit “payment for delay” settlements between brand name and generic drug companies.  FTC Commissioner Leibowitz testified on the position of my new employer here.

Read the full piece here

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

How Steve Levitt Might Save Economics

TOTM There’s been enough attention paid to the question of whether Steve Levitt is ruining economics. I did my share to contribute to the focus on . . .

There’s been enough attention paid to the question of whether Steve Levitt is ruining economics. I did my share to contribute to the focus on this question. My bad.  But now even Levitt himself has responded to Scheiber’s claim that he is ruining economics.  His response: “No I haven’t, and you wouldn’t know it if I had because you don’t know any economics.” Ok, that is paraphrasing but I think captures the spirit of the response.

Read the full piece here.

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GMU/ Microsoft Innovation Forum Next Week!

TOTM As Geoff noted the other day, The First Annual GMU / Microsoft Annual Conference on the Law and Economics Innovation is now just one week . . .

As Geoff noted the other day, The First Annual GMU / Microsoft Annual Conference on the Law and Economics Innovation is now just one week away. It will be Friday, May 4th at GMU Law from 9 am to 4pm. This year’s topic is “The Regulation of Innovation and Economic Growth.” Conference papers and discussion will focus on the innovative process itself and the question of how regulation, particularly antitrust and intellectual property regimes, might foster or impede growth.

Read the full piece here.

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Intellectual Property & Licensing

Congratulations to Kate Litvak!

TOTM Kate Litvak (UT Law, and friend of TOTM) , whose excellent paper (discussed around the blogosphere here and here), “The Effect of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act . . .

Kate Litvak (UT Law, and friend of TOTM) , whose excellent paper (discussed around the blogosphere here and here), “The Effect of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Non-US Companies Cross-Listed in the US,” has been selected as the best paper for the forthcoming special issue of the Journal of Corporate Finance associated with the Boundaries of Regulation conference.

Read the full piece here.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

A New Defense of the Per Se Prohibition Against RPM?

TOTM Professor Sokol points to this paper by Ittai Paldor (an SJD student at U. Toronto) which Sokol points out qualifies as the rarely observed defense . . .

Professor Sokol points to this paper by Ittai Paldor (an SJD student at U. Toronto) which Sokol points out qualifies as the rarely observed defense of the per se rule against RPM.

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

FTC Website Upgrade

TOTM As David points out over at Antitrust Review, the FTC has redesigned its website. It is much easier to use than the old version and . . .

As David points out over at Antitrust Review, the FTC has redesigned its website. It is much easier to use than the old version and includes much easier access to content.

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

George Mason/Microsoft Conference on the Law & Economics of Innovation

TOTM As Danny Sokol already pointed out, On May 4 at George Mason Law School, Josh Wright and I will be putting on a conference.  This . . .

As Danny Sokol already pointed out, On May 4 at George Mason Law School, Josh Wright and I will be putting on a conference.  This is the inaugural conference in an expected annual series of conferences co-sponsored by George Mason Law School and Microsoft on the law and economics of innovation.  Our first conference is on “The Regulation of Innovation and Economic Growth.”

Read the full piece here.

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Intellectual Property & Licensing

Another credit snob. Or is he just a snob?

TOTM Benjamin Barber (the author of the polemic, Jihad vs. McWorld) has an editorial in the LA Times today.  Its title is:  “Overselling capitalism: Why today’s . . .

Benjamin Barber (the author of the polemic, Jihad vs. McWorld) has an editorial in the LA Times today.  Its title is:  “Overselling capitalism: Why today’s markets are headed for disaster unless there is a shift in focus.” At first the editorial looks like a pretty standard entry in the growing line of comments suggesting we deny credit to the poor–you know, for their own good.  But then it really goes off the rails.

Read the full piece here.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

One More on Leegin (and then I’ll shut up…promise!)

TOTM I was on Spring Break last week and was too tied up to do much blogging on Leegin, which I’ve been following pretty closely. Fortunately, . . .

I was on Spring Break last week and was too tied up to do much blogging on Leegin, which I’ve been following pretty closely. Fortunately, Josh and Keith were on the ball with some great insights. I did eventually manage to do a little tea-leaf reading for the eSapience Center for Competition Policy (eCCP).

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection