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Media Consolidation and Antitrust

TOTM One of the more interesting parts of Senator Herbert Kohl’s recent Antitrust interview, in which he also discussed airline mergers, concerned antitrust’s treatment of media . . .

One of the more interesting parts of Senator Herbert Kohl’s recent Antitrust interview, in which he also discussed airline mergers, concerned antitrust’s treatment of media consolidation.

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

More Kookiness in Chicago

TOTM I’ve previously tiraded about paternalism in my beloved Chicago. I won’t beat that dead horse, but I just can’t ignore the latest liberty restriction imposed . . .

I’ve previously tiraded about paternalism in my beloved Chicago. I won’t beat that dead horse, but I just can’t ignore the latest liberty restriction imposed by our esteemed aldermaniacs. The members of the aldermen’s Buildings Committee recently voted to extend the city’s smoking ban to performers in theatrical productions.

Read the full piece here.

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Rizzo v. Thaler on “Libertarian Paternalism” at Econoblog

TOTM See here. My favorite line of the exchange comes from Rizzo in response to Thaler’s inclusion of private choices by firms to adopt automatic savings . . .

See here.

My favorite line of the exchange comes from Rizzo in response to Thaler’s inclusion of private choices by firms to adopt automatic savings plans as examples of “libertarian paternalism”…

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Twombly: Good, Bad, or Who Cares?

TOTM My apologies for the blogging hiatus. I’ve spent the last ten days grading, traveling, grading, being sick, and hanging out with family in sunny San . . .

My apologies for the blogging hiatus. I’ve spent the last ten days grading, traveling, grading, being sick, and hanging out with family in sunny San Diego. But now the grading is done, I’m feeling better, and I’ve had an opportunity to do a little blog-speed catch up. I guess the biggest antitrust news is Twombly, so I’ll start there.

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

The only thing good about the movie, The Corporation

TOTM Frankly, I thought the movie, The Corporation, was unabashedly abysmal. It was a childish caricature, exhibiting no understanding by the filmmakers (or most of the . . .

Frankly, I thought the movie, The Corporation, was unabashedly abysmal. It was a childish caricature, exhibiting no understanding by the filmmakers (or most of the interviewees) of the law, economics, or nature of corporations–to say nothing of capitalism. The movie is unsophisticated, anti-capitalist tripe.

Read the full piece here.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

FTC Grocery Antitrust Conference

TOTM The FTC’s Bureau of Economics has scheduled a conference that looks very interesting and concerns a subject near and dear to my heart: antitrust in . . .

The FTC’s Bureau of Economics has scheduled a conference that looks very interesting and concerns a subject near and dear to my heart: antitrust in the supermarket! Sadly, I will not be able to attend as I am going to take a little bit of a paper grading/ battery re-charge vacation for the next few weeks before starting my full-time tour of duty at the Commission.

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Reflections on the GMU/Microsoft Conference

TOTM As you may know, this past Friday we (Geoff and Josh) organized the inaugural GMU/Microsoft Conference on the Law and Economics of Innovation. Overall, we . . .

As you may know, this past Friday we (Geoff and Josh) organized the inaugural GMU/Microsoft Conference on the Law and Economics of Innovation. Overall, we were extremely pleased with our first entry in this conference series, The Regulation of Innovation and Economic Growth. We had about 130 register for the conference, including many high level FTC and DOJ officials, academics, and industry representatives. In the end we had about 95 attendees. We also hosted a dinner for about 45 Washington VIPs (several FTC folks, a federal judge, prominent attorneys, representatives from USTR and Commerce, etc.) the evening before at Citronelle. A good time and good conversation were had by all.

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Senator Kohl on Antitrust, Part I — Airline Mergers

TOTM One nice thing about being a legal academic is that you can diversify your political portfolio. By that, I mean that you become somewhat indifferent . . .

One nice thing about being a legal academic is that you can diversify your political portfolio. By that, I mean that you become somewhat indifferent to who’s in office. If it’s folks you agree with, then you’re happy because your preferred policies are being implemented. If it’s folks with whom you disagree, then you’re happy because your job (criticizing bad policy) becomes easier.

Read the full piece here

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Clinton, Obama, and Wal-Mart

TOTM At his new and excellent blog Hodak Value, frequent TOTM commentor Marc Hodak offers the following in response to a post at the Daily Kos . . .

At his new and excellent blog Hodak Value, frequent TOTM commentor Marc Hodak offers the following in response to a post at the Daily Kos implying that Wal-Mart’s treatment of its workers should give rise to a level of concern similar to that of the Rwandan genocide…

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance