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Behavioral Economics and Consumer Financial Protection for “Nitwits”

TOTM In a recent NY Times column largely devoted to improving soccer in various ways and how those methods might be used to improve financial regulation . . .

In a recent NY Times column largely devoted to improving soccer in various ways and how those methods might be used to improve financial regulation as well, behavioral economist and Nudge author Richard Thaler writes the following about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau…

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

Intel Settlement Watch Part II

TOTM While Intel Corporation nears its settlement deadline with the Federal Trade Commission, it received good news from a federal district court in Delaware evaluating the . . .

While Intel Corporation nears its settlement deadline with the Federal Trade Commission, it received good news from a federal district court in Delaware evaluating the evidence of alleged consumer harm from the discounts Intel offers to buyers.  It is also very important to note that this pass from a US court applying standards of consumer harm embedded in US Section 2 case law — that is, actual harm to consumers and the competitive process rather than allowing harm to competitors to serve as a sufficient condition for proof of the former — is the first to evaluate the consumer welfare effects of Intel’s conduct from this more rigorous perspective.  One has to wonder whether this ruling will shift settlement negotiations in favor of Intel.   Its true that the FTC can use Section 5 to evade this Section 2 competitive effects analysis.  But not without eventually testing their interpretation of Section 5 in front of a panel at the D.C. Circuit.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

The Obama tax increases

TOTM The biggest and most important issue for the next few months won’t be immigration, the New Black Panthers, or even the war in Afghanistan. Huge . . .

The biggest and most important issue for the next few months won’t be immigration, the New Black Panthers, or even the war in Afghanistan. Huge tax increases are headed our way, and it raises tough questions. On the one hand, signaling we are serious about deficits is likely a good thing. But, since politicians haven’t been able to reduce spending additional income, assuming more taxes brings more income, cutting spending would be a better course. Having locked ourselves into huge spending, maybe some tax increases are inevitable.

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Let The Whistleblowers Trade

Popular Media Now that Dodd-Frank is law people are focusing on the details buried in it. This includes the broad new whistle-blowing provision for 10% to 30% . . .

Now that Dodd-Frank is law people are focusing on the details buried in it. This includes the broad new whistle-blowing provision for 10% to 30% bounties to people who alert the Securities and Exchange Commission to securities law violations that result in million-dollar-plus SEC recoveries.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

The government reward for doing a bad job

TOTM In the world of competitive markets, if one does a bad job, the typical result is less resources, less power, and more oversight by interested . . .

In the world of competitive markets, if one does a bad job, the typical result is less resources, less power, and more oversight by interested parties. If a firm makes a bad product, there will be fewer profits, lost market share, and additional attention from Consumer Reports, plaintiffs’ lawyers, and regulators.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

The shareholder wealth maximization myth

TOTM In a recent speech at the Netroots Nation, Senator Al Franken tried to frighten the crowd by trotting out the corporate bogeyman that greedily makes . . .

In a recent speech at the Netroots Nation, Senator Al Franken tried to frighten the crowd by trotting out the corporate bogeyman that greedily makes decisions without regard to anything other than profit. Franken told them: “it is literally malfeasance for a corporation not to do everything it legally can to maximize its profits.” Individuals across the political spectrum share this common canard. Those on the right, like Milton Friedman, argue that the shareholder-wealth-maximization requirement prohibits firms from acting in ways that benefit, say, local communities or the environment, at the expense of the bottom line. Those on the left, like Franken, argue that the duty to shareholders makes corporations untrustworthy and dangerous. They are both wrong.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

More on Elizabeth Warren on Theory and Interpreting Data

TOTM With all the talk about the CFPB, Elizabeth Warren has been in the news lately.  The blogs too.  Most of the discussion has been about . . .

With all the talk about the CFPB, Elizabeth Warren has been in the news lately.  The blogs too.  Most of the discussion has been about whether or not Timothy Geithner is a friend or foe to the Democrats’ preferred option of getting Warren nominated as the first chief of the CFPB.  Today, Megan McArdle started on what is a less interesting political topic, but a more interesting one for this blog with a long and detailed post on Elizabeth Warren taking on then-Professor Warren’s use of theory and data in the Two Income Trap and her controversial work on medical bankruptcies.  McArdle later doubled-up with a be re-posting Todd Zywicki’s WSJ op-ed pointing out the odd manner in which tax data are presented in Two Income Trap.  Put directly, Zywicki provides some evidence that the presentation (made in an attempt to show the increasing burdens of mortgage, car and health obligations) presents the data percentage terms in order to obfuscate the fact that changes in tax obligations play a much larger role in the economic burden facing the middle class than convenient for the story told in the book.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

Battling The Mistrust-Makers

Popular Media When we leave our houses, cars, money, children and bodies in others’ hands we might worry whether they will be there when we return or . . .

When we leave our houses, cars, money, children and bodies in others’ hands we might worry whether they will be there when we return or wake up. We can protect ourselves, as did primitive societies, by never leaving, bolting the doors or sticking with a small circle of friends and relatives. But delegating responsibility and control frees us to do what we enjoy or do best. Expert professionals and business people find new ways of keeping us healthy and making us money. Our willingness to buy and use the unfamiliar–to expand our circle of trust–encourages innovation.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

When political preferences masquerade as political necessity

TOTM Josh has recently discussed his thoughts about the intellectual trajectory of the newly-minted CFPB and how that intellectual trajectory might influence the selection of the . . .

Josh has recently discussed his thoughts about the intellectual trajectory of the newly-minted CFPB and how that intellectual trajectory might influence the selection of the Bureau’s first director–presumed to be either Michale Barr or Elizabeth Warren.  His is a brief, dispassionate and intellectually-honest assessment.  But given Simon Johnson’s brief, intemperate and intellectually-devoid assessment of the issue, I’m afraid Josh may be a bit naive.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection