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Alito and Antitrust (Part II)

TOTM A few weeks back, Josh had a nice post (on Ideoblog) regarding Judge Alito’s antitrust record. He was pretty optimistic, dismissing Judge Alito’s antitrust critics . . .

A few weeks back, Josh had a nice post (on Ideoblog) regarding Judge Alito’s antitrust record. He was pretty optimistic, dismissing Judge Alito’s antitrust critics and concluding that “what little Judge Alito has written on antitrust issues is properly described as fastidious analysis complemented by strict application of doctrine.”

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection

A First Day Thought on "Truth on the Market"

TOTM I didn’t pick the name of this weblog, but I really like it. It encapsulates, I believe, much of what the blogosphere is about. Read . . .

I didn’t pick the name of this weblog, but I really like it. It encapsulates, I believe, much of what the blogosphere is about.

Read the full piece here

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Innovation & the New Economy