Showing 2 of 11 Publications

Onions Forever! A Response to Allan Shampine

TOTM There is nothing like the provocative post from Allan Shampine to move this debate up a notch.  First, I did not say that the debate . . .

There is nothing like the provocative post from Allan Shampine to move this debate up a notch.  First, I did not say that the debate over interchange fees was Onionesque. I reserved that dubious distinction to the on-the-hand-on-the-other-hand title of the GAO report.  Allan is right that the stakes are huge, which is why this debate is so important.  But he is wrong to think that the GAO adds much to the debate when all it can responsibly say is that any regulation of interchange fees has both costs and benefits, when it is unable to quantify or evaluate either.

Read the full piece here.

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Financial Regulation & Corporate Governance

Why Now? The Faulty Economics of Credit Card Reform

TOTM About four years ago, I worked for Visa in opposing the opposed limitations on interchange fees that the Australian government was about to impose on . . .

About four years ago, I worked for Visa in opposing the opposed limitations on interchange fees that the Australian government was about to impose on the credit card industry. The situation there, like the situation in the United States, seemed hardly propitious for reform.  The use of credit cards was rapidly expanding, and the rate of interest was being brought down by competition, the number of cards in circulation had increased.  What is there not to like?

Read the full piece here.

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Antitrust & Consumer Protection