Lynne Kiesling on Vehicle-Grid Integration Systems

Power Grid International – ICLE Academic Affiliate Lynne Kiesling was quoted by Power Grid International in a story about her pending study on bidirectional electric-vehicle charging. You can read full piece here.

“The idea is for us to present an EV charging network plan in a box,” said the study’s lead principal investigator Lynne Kiesling. “It’s really all a chicken and egg problem. In the 1910s, people weren’t going to buy cars until they knew they could get gas close to home. And others said they weren’t going to build gas stations until there’s enough people who have cars. We’re seeing the same phenomenon today.”

…“We are hoping that these EVs can help make the grid more flexible and give more incentives to consumers,” Kiesling said. “A utility’s primary operating objective is reliability, but flexibility is the name of the game for the 21st century grid.”